A new beginning

I’ve grown tired of server-side CMSes and the overhead they put on performance, not to mention having to also manage a database and the cost of hosting a website. I decided to give GitHub Pages a try, since it’s free and can host static sites in a very performant environment. I like that GitHub Pages is a very flexible service and that it uses all the power of git + GitHub so that you have version control and easy remote repositories that sync with your local files with just a push. With GitHub Pages, you can develop locally however you like and push the site files to GitHub for hosting. If you want to get more power, you can also use Jekyll and take advantage of GitHub’s ability to generate site files for you based on your Jekyll-specific site content. Otherwise, if you want total freedom, you can just develop your own static files using any method you want, then drop them into your GitHub Pages repository, and see them live on the web.

Since this is my first time messing with Jekyll I decided to use a pre-made theme that can take full advantage of the features of GitHub Pages. In the future I will most likely develop my own theme from scratch that can do the same. Still I have to give many props to JekyllThemes who developed the theme I am using currently. They’ve covered all the bases and have incorporated pretty much every feature you could want.

Other changes

Now that I have the site hosted and redesigned (again), I plan on posting more frequently. I have a whole series of posts planned about building an eBike, as well as life updates that I don’t want to spoil here. I’m also working on getting a post series together about learning Python, which will be a window into my experience with lots of links to the resources I learned from. You should be able to find any of those related posts on the Projects section of this site.